Prodotti biologici, Caffè biologico, Caffè certificato biologico.Te e tisane certificate biologiche, Certificazioni CoffeeIT

BIO Certification

Organic products comply with the Regulation (EC) n. 834/07 and Reg. the Regulation (EC) n. 889/08 and S.M.I. Controlled operator No. 101541.

Certification ISO 22000:2018

The ISO 22000 Standard, issued in November 2005, specifies management requirements to comply with food safety standards. To date, food supply chain’s organization should demonstrate its ability to control possible dangers, with the aim of ensuring food is safe for human consumption.

Soluble coffee

Our flagship is the
Colombian instant coffee

Produzione di caffè solubile CoffeeIT

Flavored coffee

Wide range of flavours
even completely natural

Produzione di caffè aromatizzati in Italia, Import export caffè in tutto il mondo

Gourmet coffee

The fine line of coffee for
class rooms

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